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Press Conference Microphones


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When NC’s courts prioritize race-matching, foster children lose

For over 20 years, federal law has made it illegal to determine a foster child’s placement on the basis of race. Last week a Newsweek article focused a national spotlight on the family courts in Guilford County, North Carolina, for doing just that.   

The Government Is Uprooting Children From Loving Homes Because of Woke Views on Race 

True was born in Guilford County, North Carolina in January 2020 to a mother with a significant history of child maltreatment. Within a few days, he was placed by the Department of Social Services with veteran foster parents Scott and Ginger Rhoads. 

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State finds multiple violations regarding Guilford County DSS child- protective cases

Guilford County Social Services has found themselves in hot water after a fire on Grimsley Street that killed three children in Dec. 2022. According to a letter from the state, there were several violations related to an open Child Protective Services case involving one of the children killed in the fire.

County Conducting Damage Control In Wake Of DSS Scandal

Many people expected the Guilford County commissioners to say something about the recent Guilford County Division of Social Services (DSS) scandal in which State of North Carolina investigators discovered that social services workers in Child Protective Services and other DSS workers dealing with kids have been completely ignoring duty, policy and the law in many cases.

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